Browse Titles - 7795 results


10 Days That Unexpectedly Changed America, 3, Einstein's Letter
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directed by Barak Goodman, fl. 1996 and John Maggio; produced by Barak Goodman, fl. 1996 and John Maggio, in 10 Days That Unexpectedly Changed America, 3 (New York, NY: A&E Television Networks, 2006), 44 mins
Explores how the great scientist urged Franklin Roosevelt to develop an atomic bomb.
directed by Barak Goodman, fl. 1996 and John Maggio; produced by Barak Goodman, fl. 1996 and John Maggio, in 10 Days That Unexpectedly Changed America, 3 (New York, NY: A&E Television Networks, 2006), 44 mins
10 Things You Don't Know About, Season 3, Episode 3, Civil Rights
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directed by Dominique Anders, fl. 2003-2017 and Stuart Chait, 1980-; presented by Henry Rollins, 1961-; produced by Mary Courtney, fl. 2004-2016 and Henry Rollins, 1961-, Asylum Entertainment; interview by Henry Rollins, 1961-, in 10 Things You Don't Know About, Season 3, Episode 3 (New York, NY: A&E Television Networks, 2014), 43 mins

In "10 Things You Don't Know About," punk rock icon Henry Rollins uncovers crazy twists and tidbits behind the historical tales, figures, and places you only thought you knew. Whether he's analyzing centuries-old documents at the National Archives or exploring the inside of a dead gangster's speakeasy, he's on a m...

directed by Dominique Anders, fl. 2003-2017 and Stuart Chait, 1980-; presented by Henry Rollins, 1961-; produced by Mary Courtney, fl. 2004-2016 and Henry Rollins, 1961-, Asylum Entertainment; interview by Henry Rollins, 1961-, in 10 Things You Don't Know About, Season 3, Episode 3 (New York, NY: A&E Television Networks, 2014), 43 mins
1940 Census
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produced by United States. Bureau of the Census (District of Columbia: United Nations. Department of Global Communications, 1940), 11 mins
Explains the purposes and values of the census and briefly relates its history. Describes the responsibility of enumerators and dramatizes one's experience with a woman reluctant to answer his questions. Editors, punch card machine operators, and statisticians work at compiling reports. Director William L. Austin...
produced by United States. Bureau of the Census (District of Columbia: United Nations. Department of Global Communications, 1940), 11 mins
1940 Census of Agriculture
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produced by United States. Bureau of the Census (District of Columbia: United Nations. Department of Global Communications, 1940), 11 mins
Explains to enumerators the meaning of certain elements of a schedule and shows, in dramatizations, how correct information is obtained and recorded. Includes agricultural scenes illustrating kinds of farms, partial and total crop losses, causes of losses (dust, flood, grasshoppers, frost), and livestock.
produced by United States. Bureau of the Census (District of Columbia: United Nations. Department of Global Communications, 1940), 11 mins
1940 Census of Housing
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produced by United States. Bureau of the Census (District of Columbia: United Nations. Department of Global Communications, 1940), 11 mins
Explains to enumerators how answers to certain questions should be recorded. Consists mostly of dramatizations of enumerators obtaining information and filling out schedules. Includes views of various kinds of habitation to be included in or excluded from the census.
produced by United States. Bureau of the Census (District of Columbia: United Nations. Department of Global Communications, 1940), 11 mins
1940 Census of Population
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produced by United States. Bureau of the Census (District of Columbia: United Nations. Department of Global Communications, 1940), 10 mins
Instructs enumerators how to secure and record relevant census information, particularly regarding employment. Shows, in dramatizations, how certain facts are elicited and recorded. Includes scenes illustrating various kinds of living quarters and employment.
produced by United States. Bureau of the Census (District of Columbia: United Nations. Department of Global Communications, 1940), 10 mins
1945 Victory Garden
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A collection of drawings created by Metro Associated Services for use in advertising campaigns to encourage Americans to plant Victory Gardens.
ABC's of Credit for the Farm Family
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(U.S. Government Printing Office, 1937), 19 page(s)
General Audience
(U.S. Government Printing Office, 1937), 19 page(s)
The ABC's of Eating for Health
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written by Westinghouse Home Economics Institute (Mansfield, OH: Westinghouse Home Economics Institute, 1943, originally published 1943), 16 page(s)
Pamphlet from Westinghouse Home Economics Institute on how to plan and cook nourishing meals during food shortages.
written by Westinghouse Home Economics Institute (Mansfield, OH: Westinghouse Home Economics Institute, 1943, originally published 1943), 16 page(s)
Ads for Victory Gardens, 1944
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Two newspaper ads encouraging Americans to plant Victory Gardens prepared by the War Advertising Council in cooperation with the War Food Administration and Office of War Information.
