Browse Titles - 14452 results


2 September 1897 - 19 November 1898 (nla.obj-562503926)
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written by Patrick McMahon Glynn, in Papers of Patrick McMahon Glynn, 1874-1931. MS 4653, of National Library of Australia (19 November 1898) , 190 page(s)
written by Patrick McMahon Glynn, in Papers of Patrick McMahon Glynn, 1874-1931. MS 4653, of National Library of Australia (1886) , 305 page(s)
6 Battle for the Gulf, 4 of 6, The 19th Province
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in 6 Battle for the Gulf, 4 of 6 (London, England: SW Pictures, 2001), 51 mins
The Cairo conference, the diplomatic offensive, the exodus of refugees from Kuwait, the military mobilization and the Allied decision to go on the offensive on November 8th, 1990. The occupation of Kuwait, the organisation of the resistance, the military build-up of 700,000 troops and the final diplomatic rounds....
in 6 Battle for the Gulf, 4 of 6 (London, England: SW Pictures, 2001), 51 mins
6 Battle for the Gulf, 5 of 6, A Different Kind of War
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in 6 Battle for the Gulf, 5 of 6 (London, England: SW Pictures, 2001), 50 mins
The air war by the Allies begins. The Allies started jamming Baghdad’s radar defences. The jamming gave the game away. Iraqi radars were blinded, but 3,000 anti-aircraft guns and 60 missile batteries began firing wildly into the sky. Allied missiles destroyed the main telephone tower. Another laser-guided bomb h...
in 6 Battle for the Gulf, 5 of 6 (London, England: SW Pictures, 2001), 50 mins
6 Battle for the Gulf, 6 of 6, Wounds in the Soul
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in 6 Battle for the Gulf, 6 of 6 (London, England: SW Pictures, 2001), 50 mins
Surrender at Safwan: a secret deal? The rebellions by the Kurds in the north and Shia in the south; the imposition of sanctions on post-war Iraq. The effects of the war on Iraq, on Saudi Arabia and on Palestine.
in 6 Battle for the Gulf, 6 of 6 (London, England: SW Pictures, 2001), 50 mins
written by Patrick McMahon Glynn, in Papers of Patrick McMahon Glynn, 1874-1931. MS 4653, of National Library of Australia (1885) , 156 page(s)
written by Patrick McMahon Glynn, in Papers of Patrick McMahon Glynn, 1874-1931. MS 4653, of National Library of Australia (1880) , 202 page(s)
15 June 1885 - 30 December 1896 (nla.obj-562503905)
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written by Patrick McMahon Glynn, in Papers of Patrick McMahon Glynn, 1874-1931. MS 4653, of National Library of Australia (30 December 1896) , 148 page(s)
18 August 1882 - 8 March 1883 (nla.obj-562503861)
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written by Patrick McMahon Glynn, in Papers of Patrick McMahon Glynn, 1874-1931. MS 4653, of National Library of Australia (08 March 1883) , 156 page(s)
24 Days in Brooks
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directed by Dana Inkster; produced by Bonnie Thompson, National Film Board of Canada (Ottawa, ON: National Film Board of Canada, 2007), 42 mins
Over the course of a decade Brooks, Alberta, transformed from a socially conservative, primarily white town to one of the most diverse places in Canada as immigrants and refugees flocked to find jobs at the Lakeside Packers slaughterhouse. This film is a portrait of those people working together and adapting to ch...
directed by Dana Inkster; produced by Bonnie Thompson, National Film Board of Canada (Ottawa, ON: National Film Board of Canada, 2007), 42 mins
